New Project
Cell 1 (from plant cell series), Plastic Packaging, Plastic Twine, Scorched Repurposed Fabric, Handmade Charcoal & Thread on Cloth. 2024.
This is the first of a monthly series, which started at the beginning of the semester in early October this year, and will run through to the end of my MA Fine Art course at Aberystwyth University. This my intention for now. It may change. I’m certain that some of the materials I use will develop over the course of time as I become more deeply involved in the exploration process.
There’s a continuous stream of ideas that permeate throughout my awakened state, which are difficult to translate onto a two dimensional surface at times. Thank goodness for my sub conscience, where some of these ideas can often develop from a dream.
Since the first of this cell series was created, I changed the timing of the project from creating a weekly piece to a monthly one, mostly because of the time aspect. Three months into this task, I have the urge to increase the size and change the shape of the pieces as I go further.