The Earth & I Project

abstract graphite pencil drawing showing plantforms and other organic matter scattered across the page with cross hatching and circular shapes

Deconstructed Reality. Graphite Pencil on Paper. A5. 2024.

Half-way through the 2023 project written about in an earlier blog, I started explore ways of representing cell-like structures and other organic forms in my work. I began integrating unconventional objects, such as plastic twine, metal wire and natural elements throughout some of the pieces. Essentially, this activated my interest with integrating found materials and plant fragments into collage and drawing.

The project is still ongoing, but I’m dipping in and out of it while I develop my portfolio. Using recycled textiles in my work continues. However, I am still considering ways to expand ideas and use of different materials. I’m eager to raise an awareness through my art by incorporating my own experiences and emotional responses. Additionally, I want to retain my authentic voice while exploring various to use various collage and drawing techniques. I continue to natural and synthetic elements from the land. My intention is to unite all of these elements with natural and synthetic materials in my artwork. I find myself frequently returning to drawing, and have been combining different techniques with collage and found materials. This is how I can continue to incorporate stitched and woven elements into my art.




My Academic World